Welcome to Keep Mobile - providing transport for the elderly and disabled in Wokingham and Bracknell Forest since 1992.

Are you, or do you know anyone looking for a worth while part time job?

We are looking for part time drivers. If you know anyone please get them to contact the office.

0345 544 0850

New Excursion Programme

The programme from September to December 2024 is now available. The trips include [ ... ]

What Keep Mobile Did in the Pandemic

Want to know what Keep Mobile did during the Covid-19 Pandemic? This short video [ ... ]

Bracknell Forest Lottery

We now have a Bracknell Forest Lottery page! 50% of all tickets sold from our page [ ... ]

Card Payments

We are pleased to announce that we can now accept card payments for membership and [ ... ]

On Line Booking Now Available

If you are a registered member you can now make booking requests on line. Click here [ ... ]
